So I’m looking attending a football game at least of one of the Bay Area’s 3 Divison I-A programs this fall. The main criteria are that Tech has to has to have the Saturday off, or at any rate, there aren’t any interesting games going on concurrently.
As you may recall, Stanford has the all of five home games (apparently they got San Jose State to switch) this year, which at any institution that actually cares about football would probably result in their athletic director getting fired for gross incompetence. At any rate, I noticed this on the header of their website:Yes, that’s right folks, it’s the Stanford Cardinal Gridiron Guarantee! If you are unhappy with your season ticket purchase, you can just ask for your money back! Also, season tickets are only $130, which is $26 per game! Hell, I’d buy them if it didn’t involve possibly going to more than one Stanford game.
Any I thought Tech season ticket packages were cheap.